SB 8.4.6: Because Gajendra, King of the elephants, had been touched
directly by the hands of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he was
immediately freed of all material ignorance and bondage. Thus he
received the salvation of sārūpya-mukti, in which he achieved the same
bodily features as the Lord, being dressed in yellow garments and
possessing four hands.
SB 8.4.7: This Gajendra had formerly been a Vaiṣṇava and the king of
the country known as Pāṇḍya, which is in the province of Draviḍa [South
India]. In his previous life, he was known as Indradyumna Mahārāja.
SB 8.4.8: Indradyumna Mahārāja retired from family life and went to
the Malaya Hills, where he had a small cottage for his āśrama. He wore
matted locks on his head and always engaged in austerities. Once, while
observing a vow of silence, he was fully engaged in the worship of the
Lord and absorbed in the ecstasy of love of Godhead.
SB 8.4.9: While Indradyumna Mahārāja was engaged in ecstatic
meditation, worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the great
sage Agastya Muni arrived there, surrounded by his disciples. When the
Muni saw that Mahārāja Indradyumna, who was sitting in a secluded place,
remained silent and did not follow the etiquette of offering him a
reception, he was very angry.
SB 8.4.10: Agastya Muni then spoke this curse against the King: This
King Indradyumna is not at all gentle. Being low and uneducated, he has
insulted a brāhmaṇa. May he therefore enter the region of darkness and
receive the dull, dumb body of an elephant.
SB 8.4.11-12: Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: My dear King, after Agastya
Muni had thus cursed King Indradyumna, the Muni left that place along
with his disciples. Since the King was a devotee, he accepted Agastya
Muni's curse as welcome because it was the desire of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Therefore, although in his next life he got the
body of an elephant, because of devotional service he remembered how to
worship and offer prayers to the Lord.
SB 8.4.13: Upon delivering the King of the elephants from the
clutches of the crocodile, and from material existence, which resembles a
crocodile, the Lord awarded him the status of sārūpya-mukti. In the
presence of the Gandharvas, the Siddhas and the other demigods, who were
praising the Lord for His wonderful transcendental activities, the
Lord, sitting on the back of His carrier, Garuḍa, returned to His
all-wonderful abode and took Gajendra with Him.
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